Home » Donald Trump to deliver economy-focussed State of the Union
Donald Trump to deliver economy-focussed State of the Union

Later today, Donald Trump will deliver his first State of the Union address as President of the United States.
Since Mr Trump’s victory in the 2016 election, the US economy has hit several notable milestones. The US unemployment rate stands at just over 4%, the lowest level since 2000. The S&P 500 rose 18% in Trump’s first 11 months in office, while the Dow Jones Industrial Average recently reached a new record of 26,000. Consumer confidence also stands at a 17-year high.
However, campaign promises regarding infrastructure reform, immigration, trade and national security have yet to be legislatively fulfilled. Details regarding an infrastructure bill remain murky. Significant opposition persists to both a border wall and the continuation of the Dreamers program. A reform bill of US trade policies and a comprehensive military funding bill also do not currently exist.
Consequently, expect Trump’s speech to devote significant attention to the economic achievements he attributes to his administration’s pro-growth, “America First” policies, while also doubling down on calls for continued progress toward the legislative reform he has been promising since he first began campaigning.
Furthermore, expect Trump to call on Congress to take legislative strides toward a comprehensive infrastructure bill, welfare reform and perhaps another attempt to decisively dismantle the Affordable Care Act.
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Nick is the Chief Operating Officer, Director of the Daily Brief and a contributing Senior Analyst to it. An attorney, his areas of expertise include international law, international and domestic criminal law, security affairs in Europe and the Middle East, and human rights.