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Iranian parliament considers Rouhani impeachment for economic mismanagement


Iranian parliament considers Rouhani impeachment for economic mismanagement

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani speaks during a parliamentary session in Tehran
Iranian President Hassan Rouhani speaks during a parliamentary session in Tehran
Photo: Reuters/Iranian Presidential Office

A committee of Iranian lawmakers will meet today in Tehran to decide whether to refer President Hassan Rouhani to the judiciary, after they were unconvinced by Mr Rouhani’s answers to parliamentary questioning on August 28.

Rouhani is in danger of being impeached if he is referred to the judiciary. Of particular angst to MPs is the diving value of the Iranian currency, the 12% unemployment rate—including 28% youth unemployment—and 18% inflation, a 50% rise since April. They blame the President for failing to plan for US sanctions, as well as corruption and mismanagement in government agencies.

To be referred to the judiciary, lawmakers must find Rouhani broke a law. This is not guaranteed. Regardless, the chances of Rouhani being impeached are low. Reformists and moderates—Rouhani loyalists—command 45% of seats to the conservatives’ 29%. Although some Rouhani supporters have voted with the conservatives to impeach the economy and labour ministers in the past month, they are still predominately loyal to the president. Furthermore, the Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Ali Khameini, still has confidence in Mr Rouhani and that will keep the conservatives at bay for now.

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Photo: PTI

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