Home » Slovenian lawmakers will vote to appoint a new prime minister on Friday
Slovenian lawmakers will vote to appoint a new prime minister on Friday

A former Slovenian comedian, Marjan Sarec, nominated by a centre-left grouping of parties, faces a parliamentary vote to become prime minister today. He needs the support of a majority of the 90-seat chamber to clinch the country’s top job.
The vote follows an inconclusive June 23 election, where the Eurosceptic and anti-immigration Slovenian Democratic Party, led by former PM Janez Janza, claimed victory with 25% of the vote but has since been unable to forge a ruling coalition.
Mr Sarec’s rejection of Mr Janza’s populist anti-immigrant platform will likely put Slovenia outside the EU’s anti-immigrant camp, led by Hungary.
Instead, Sarec offers a centre-left alliance spanning pro-EU centrist parties and The Left party. He is likely to take a cautious stance towards the EU, seeking an improvement of the economic union rather than a rejection of it. This may endear him to President Macron’s EU reform drive, but the strong showing of the Eurosceptic vote from a traditionally staunch EU member will likely concern Brussels.
Today’s vote will be decided by whether The Left, which has traditionally been anti-establishment, supports Sarec’s five-party coalition. Indications are they are likely to do just this, but the hard work to cobble together a cabinet lies ahead.
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John is a Senior Analyst with an interest in Indo-Pacific geopolitics. Master of International Relations (Australian National University) graduate with study focus on the Indo-Pacific. Qualified lawyer (University of Auckland, NZ) with experience in post-colonial Pacific & NZ legal systems.