Home » Finland to decide on reopening border checkpoint with Russia
Finland to decide on reopening border checkpoint with Russia

Following a temporary closing of Finland’s eastern open border crossings with Russia, Finland will decide this Wednesday, December 13 whether to extend the closures or begin reopening checkpoints.
On November 28, Finnish Prime Minister Petteru Orpo closed all eight of its Russian border crossings for two weeks as an increasing number of illegal migrants crossed into the nation seeking asylum. Moscow has been accused of perpetuating refugee crises such as this to sow discord within Finland and other Western-aligned nations. These border closures along the 830-mile-long Finland-Russia border come after Finland formally joined NATO and as it continues to be a strong supporter of Ukraine militarily and through humanitarian channels. Orpo argues that the actions taken to limit Moscow’s alleged destabilizing campaign is a matter of European national security because as a member of the European Union, people can travel freely between countries with no border checks.
Moscow is yet to respond to the Finnish measures, but it is likely that Finland will strengthen its border security and increase personnel while slowly easing border restrictions.
Kayam is an Analyst that writes for the Daily Brief.