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Trump to meet with Netanyahu and Abbas at the UN to restart talks


Trump to meet with Netanyahu and Abbas at the UN to restart talks

Trump, Netanyahu and Abbas to meet on UN sidelines

In an attempt to resuscitate stalled Israeli-Palestinian peace deliberations, US President Donald Trump will meet with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu today. On the sidelines of the UN General Debate’s opening later this week, Mr Trump will host a similar meeting with Palestinian National Authority President Mahmoud Abbas

Earlier talks in May between President Trump and the two leaders proved inconclusive. Relations between the US president and Mr Abbas have grown tense, as Mr Trump has abandoned  the “two-state solution” to the Israel-Palestine conflict, a policy that has been actively promoted by the US for decades. Relations between the US and Israel also walk a fine line, as President Trump has chastised the expansion of Israeli settlements

Eager to demonstrate his skills as a negotiator, Trump will likely attempt to find any common ground that could promote a resumption of talks between the two leaders.

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Regardless, given the mounting contention concerning certain issues, like the possession and administration of East Jerusalem, it is improbable that there will be any changes to the conflict’s status quo.

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