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APEC trade ministers descend on Port Moresby, PNG ahead of leaders summit


APEC trade ministers descend on Port Moresby, PNG ahead of leaders summit

Photo: Flickr RM/Getty

Trade ministers of APEC states will meet in Port Moresby today to discuss future plans for closer mutual economic and trade cooperation.

A year after the US’ withdrawal from the TPP, ministers are expected to discuss the ways in which APEC can develop new forms of trade cooperation beyond the reformed Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership.

The tentative advancement of CPTPP means that today’s summit is likely to continue to outline a roadmap for APEC as a trade and economic bloc. With CPTPP and other APEC initiatives competing with China’s Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership, representatives will have to present a united front on trade.

Host nation PNG is likely to lead the push for trade to play a greater role in the development of APEC emerging market members and place inclusive growth, gender empowerment and greater connectivity for APEC’s emerging economies on the agenda. As such, expect a strong focus on sustainable resource development and infrastructure investment.


See Also
Photo: Tom Samuelsson/Government Offices

Further reading: 2018 Geopolitical Forecast: Asia Pacific

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