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Australia Reveals 2022-2023 State Budget


Australia Reveals 2022-2023 State Budget

Australia state budget
Photo: Tracey Nearmy/Getty Images

The Australian government will reveal its 2022-2023 state budget today.

The budget comes approximately two months before the country’s federal elections, which will be held by May 21st. Therefore, while the previous budget focused on a medium-term economic recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic this year’s budget will likely be delivered with short-term electoral objectives. The incumbent liberal-national coalition government has been trailing the opposition Labor Party in opinion polls since the end of June 2021.

Expect the government to provide further generous financial bonuses through an already announced cash bonus program  for groups receiving income support in an attempt to increase its popularity. Tax relief for middle to high earners is also a strong possibility.

The government will likely pass the budget in parliament and receive some positive feedback in opinion polls from its policies. It will try use this positive feedback to begin the election campaign on its own terms. The opposition is likely to support the budgetary measures. However, they will also likely criticise the government for not providing relief for lower-income Australians. This will be an attempt to cancel out the polling benefits of the government while remaining on the offensive.

See Also
REUTERS/Florence Lo/File Photo

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