Daily Brief

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Monday, January 23

Syrian peace talks begin in Astana, Samsung releases a report on its exploding Note 7 and a French presidential candidate meets Angela Merkel.

French socialists hold primary vote

Left-wing voters in France will vote for their presidential candidate on Sunday. If, as is…

Sunday, January 22

France’s Socialist Party hold primary vote and Bulgaria’s pro-Russian president takes office.

Oil producers review production deal

OPEC ‘s monitoring committee will meet in Vienna on Saturday to assess compliance with December’s agreement…

Saturday, January 21

OPEC reviews progress towards production cuts and European populists hold a summit in Germany.

Xi’s the boss: China’s leadership transition

China’s President Xi may use this year’s party congress to make his authority paramount.

India-UAE ties strengthen with first strategic talks

The UAE and India will hold their first ever strategic dialogue in New Delhi on…

Venezuela’s demonetisation: Third time lucky?

Friday is the day Venezuela’s 100 bolivar note may finally be withdrawn. President Nicholas Maduro…


Donald Trump becomes US president on Friday. Since winning the election in November, Mr Trump…

Friday, January 20

Donald Trump inaugurated, third time around for Venezuelan demonetisation and the first India-UAE strategic talks.