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Former president rails against anti-socialist agenda, returns home with accusations of secret US deals


Former president rails against anti-socialist agenda, returns home with accusations of secret US deals

Photo: Mariana Bazo/Reuters

Today, former Ecuadorian President Rafael Correa will return to his country after accusing current President Lenín Moreno of backdoor deals with the United States. Currently living in Belgium, this will be Correa’s first time returning to Ecuador since leaving office.

His accusations are based on a recently revealed meeting in May between Moreno and former Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort. The latter, now charged with money laundering and other crimes, travelled to the meeting using a phone registered under a false name.

Moreno previously claimed he would continue the implementation of Correa’s leftist policies. However, since taking office, Moreno has moved further away from the previous administration, denouncing and distancing himself from Correa.

The former president now seeks to defend his policies, which he claims are under attack. As Correa reintroduces himself into Ecuadorian politics, expect tensions to rise and more accusations to come in the months ahead.

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