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Sudan’s ambassador returns to Egypt after two-month absence but tensions remain


Sudan’s ambassador returns to Egypt after two-month absence but tensions remain

Photo: Aigaforum

After being recalled two months ago amid bilateral tensions, Sudan’s ambassador to Egypt will return to Cairo today.

The two North African neighbours have a history of perceiving interference from one another, with tension stretching back to 1992 over ownership of the Halayeb Triangle, a disputed border region on the Red Sea. Further, Egypt accuses Sudan of supporting Turkish naval intervention in the Red Sea countering Cairo’s power; Sudan blames Egypt for political interloping.

But Ethiopia’s construction of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam on the Nile, supported by Sudan, has contributed to the most recent spat. Egypt fears the dam will constrict water flow and harm agricultural production, which is already ailing from water shortages.

While the resumption of diplomatic ties is a positive sign, an end to tensions is unlikely. The dam is already 60% complete, and it could cut into Egypt’s lifeblood, leading to food shortages and unrest. Expect coercive policy from Egypt, and potentially even force, as it protects its access to the Nile.

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