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FARC rebels to complete disarmament in Colombia


FARC rebels to complete disarmament in Colombia

Photo: El Mundo
Photo: El Mundo

Today is the deadline for the rebel organisation FARC to hand in the last 40% of its weaponry and fulfil the terms of a peace deal it negotiated with the Colombian government last year.

Conflict between FARC and the Colombian government lasted for more than 50 years, making it the world’s longest-running.  Although a peace deal was voted down in a referendum last year, a modified version passed congress.  Under the terms of the peace agreement, most FARC fighters would receive amnesty while the organisation becomes a legitimate political party.

However, FARC only met its deadline for handing in the first 60% by Friday, 3 days later than planned.  The group hopes to make the final deadline on schedule, but logistical difficulties in transporting the weapons persist.  If FARC is unable to deliver the weapons on time, it could threaten to destabilise the fragile peace process.

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