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Germany expecting lower trade surplus in April


Germany expecting lower trade surplus in April

New BMWs being exported in 2018
Photo: Reuters

New data on the German balance of trade is set to be released today and will likely show the trade surplus dropping by roughly €2 billion.

The plummet largely results from a corresponding drop in global demand. German GDP fell by 2.2% in the first quarter and may fall by a further 10% in the second. Manufacturing output similarly declined by 7.9%. As the economy re-emerges from lockdown, business confidence remains cautiously optimistic. Berlin has abandoned its famous fiscal stringency and instead opted for expansionary policies. The federal government plans to stimulate consumer spending with €130 billion in disbursements to individual households as well as investments in clean energy, educational technology, and digital innovation. The VAT is also due for a substantial reduction.

Germany’s plans may encourage other European countries to adopt a similar expansionary strategy. France, for instance, may also cut its VAT. However, harder-hit nations with high levels of debt, such as Italy and Spain, cannot afford a stimulus of the same scale. Therefore, the passage of the EU’s recovery plan will be key to ensuring any recovery, especially in southern Europe, over the next two years.

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