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Iran to announce comprehensive nuclear development plan


Iran to announce comprehensive nuclear development plan

Iranian nuclear development program – Photo: Reuters / Leonhard Foeger

Iran will reveal its comprehensive nuclear program plan today.

The announcement will likely detail various aspects regarding Iran’s capabilities with nuclear technology, as well as the leadership’s recommendations on how to steer the nuclear program forward. The plan already passed through Iran’s legal system and contains information regarding creating working groups within the organization to grow the program. Experts believe that the plan will reveal Iran’s intentions to construct several power plants in Darokhovein and Khuzesta.

The reveal of the plan’s contents will have significant consequences on the ongoing negotiations over reviving the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA). Currently, negotiations are at a standstill over the UN International Atomic Energy Agency’s (IAEA) investigation into uranium detected at three undeclared nuclear sites. Thus, Iran’s nuclear plan could further complicate its compliance with the IAEA.

Therefore, expect this plan to further stall JCPOA negotiations. If Iran reveals its intentions to establish new nuclear centers or legitimize undeclared sites, it could create more difficulties and stall talks between Iran and the US over the nuclear deal.

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