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Mexican President Lopez Obrador to give his third state of the union address


Mexican President Lopez Obrador to give his third state of the union address

Photo: AP

Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador (AMLO) is set to give his third state of the union address today.

In Mexico, corruption has negatively affected the nation’s security, infrastructure, and handling of the COVID-19 pandemic. At the same time, AMLO has made the rooting out of corruption central to his presidency, and a referendum was held in August that determined if former presidents can be prosecuted for corruption.

AMLO, however, has fallen short of his promise due to the difficulty of bringing allegations to trial and the stagnation of other anti-corruption efforts that were central to his historic landslide victory in 2018 in his address.

When AMLO took office then, he promised to give the public a chance to vote him out of office halfway through his six-year term. As AMLO looks ahead to the March 2022 recall referendum, his third state of the union will likely seek to look forward on what the administration has accomplished rather than failed at in order to address low approval ratings and a June election that saw the president’s Morena party lose two-thirds of their lower house majority.

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