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Obama to begin campaigning for Democrats


Obama to begin campaigning for Democrats

Former U.S. President Barack Obama campaigning for Democrats running
Former U.S. President Barack Obama campaigning for Democrats running
Former U.S. President Barack Obama will begin campaigning for Democrats running in key states ahead of the upcoming U.S. midterm elections – Photo: Philip Davali / Ritzau Scanpix via AP file

Former U.S. President Barack Obama will begin campaigning for Democrats ahead of the upcoming midterm election that will determine control of the U.S. Congress.

Obama will advocate for candidates in Georgia, Michigan and Wisconsin. A main theme in his appearances will be framing the Democratic Party as the protector of abortion rights, as well as emphasizing the party’s importance in preserving democracy by keeping elections fair.

Despite these efforts, mounting evidence points to the GOP taking control of both chambers. Strategists predict that House Republicans could win back the majority with more than 20 House seats, while many expect they’ll gain , at minimum, the one seat necessary to take control of the Senate. Though the campaign has largely been defined by domestic issues, the election results will set the tone for a big foreign policy priority of the Biden Administration: the invasion of Ukraine.

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Republican disputes over continued financial support for Ukraine may worsen if they take control of the House, evidenced by a wing of the party that has voted against sending Ukraine additional financial aid. Though it’s uncertain whether this group will grow, Republican control may amplify and shift the discussion, especially if the US continues to suffer economically.

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