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Political and social tensions continue following Indonesia’s presidential election result


Political and social tensions continue following Indonesia’s presidential election result

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Photo: Reuters

Siaga 1 – Indonesia’s highest security alert – in Jakarta will end today. Jakarta was placed on alert following former military general Prabowo Subianto’s refusal to concede electoral defeat.

Violence began after electoral results were released on Tuesday, showing that President Jokowi Widodo had secured 55.5% of the vote—and therefore another five-year term in office. Some supporters of former military general Prabowo Subianto subsequently reacted by rioting in Jakarta, resulting in six deaths, more than 300 injuries and 257 arrests.

Whilst Prabowo maintains that millions of false identities were placed on the electoral roll, he discouraged violent resistance and also called on his supporters to pause their protests. Submitting a legal appeal yesterday, Prabowo believes his party’s poll proves that he is Indonesia’s preferred leader. Mr Prabowo launched a similar legal appeal following his loss in 2014 but was unsuccessful.

Expect Jokowi’s inauguration to occur as scheduled on October 20. As the protests have now eased, expect Prabowo’s appeal to cause little threat to Jokowi’s rule.

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