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Proceedings in lawsuit against Norway for oil, natural gas development plans expected to conclude


Proceedings in lawsuit against Norway for oil, natural gas development plans expected to conclude

Proceedings in the Oslo district court against Norway’s oil and natural gas development plans are expected to conclude today.

Following the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Europe’s attempts to decouple from Russian energy sources have positioned Norway as a viable alternative to meet the continent’s growing energy needs. Norway, rich in natural resources, this year has approved the development of multiple oil and natural gas fields. These projects, coupled with tax incentives to encourage such investments, are part of Norway’s strategy to provide for Europe’s energy security needs.

In response to the approved thermal energy projects, the Nordic branch of Greenpeace and Natur Og Ungdom, an environmental group, filed a lawsuit challenging Norway’s plan. The court case comes just two days after the COP28 climate summit in Dubai during which Norway committed a large sum of money towards climate adaptation and reinforced its commitments to decarbonizing.

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As the cold winter months drive up Europe’s energy demand, and with little basis for the case against Norway’s energy projects, it is likely that the courts will uphold Norway’s plan and dismiss the lawsuit against the three new offshore oil and natural gas fields.

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