Home » Right-wing demonstrators to rally in Boston
Right-wing demonstrators to rally in Boston

A rally to promote “free speech and the first amendment”, organized by the alt-right group Boston Free Speech Coalition, will be held today in Boston.
Citing the bigotry and violence associated with similar groups, Mayor Marty Walsh has spoken out against the rally.
The group’s spokesperson, John Medlar, claims the organisation rejects white supremacy, anti-Semitism and racism. Yet, several speakers advertised for today’s rally, including Augustus Invictus—a proponent of eugenics and a holocaust-denier—maintain ideologies or ties to groups that promote such bigotry.
Expecting large crowds of counter-protesters, Boston’s police department will be present in force. It is taking extra precautions, such as thoroughly searching participants for weapons, to ensure security and order are maintained.
With President Trump’s approval ratings as low as they are (about 37%), do not expect him to seriously condemn alt-right groups in the future; they now constitute a significant portion of his support base. Policy-wise, this will likely lead to further decreases in federal efforts to investigate and counter alt-right hate groups, like the ones present at the recent violent Charlottesville protests.
Max is Foreign Brief's Chief Executive Officer. A Latin America specialist, Max is an expert in regional political and economic trends, focusing particularly on the Southern Cone.