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South Australia to conduct satellite test launch


South Australia to conduct satellite test launch

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Photo: AAP Image/Lukas Coch via REUTERS

In partnership with Australia’s military, Australian defence contractor DEWC Systems is expected to launch an experimental satellite from the country’s southwest region today.

The cube satellite to be sent off is intended to help capture radar signals from hostile aircraft and ships. The rocket’s replica payload will contain a device approximately the size of a marker that will help collect information to further develop satellite technology. The device will be launched from a test site in the Aboriginal locality of Koonibba and will reach the edge of space before parachuting back to Earth.

As China continues to test and develop its military presence in the South China Sea and the greater South Pacific, Australia has increasingly turned to improving its electronic warfare by partnering with the private sector and developing its electronic combat capabilities. This push for increased electronic warfare readiness highlights growing concern in Canberra over Australia’s capacity to combat Chinese cyber threats. In a major June 2019 Department of Defence report, analysts warned of Australia’s vulnerability to significant social and economic disruption from cyber-attacks.

Accordingly, expect lawmakers to continue pushing for multilateral electronic warfare cooperation between Australia and its allies and extended efforts to research and develop new deterrent and information gathering technologies.

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