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South Korea seeks support from Russia and China in North Korean negotiations


South Korea seeks support from Russia and China in North Korean negotiations

Jinping Chung
Jinping Chung
Photo: Reuters

Following talks with Chinese President Xi Jinping, a top South Korean national security advisor will travel to Moscow today to seek support for the upcoming summit between the US and North Korea.

As Russia and China share a land border with the isolated nation, both countries play an important role in stabilising the conflict. Their close proximity to the peninsula means neither wants an armed conflict, but strained relations with Washington make characterising their stance difficult.

China has recently expressed optimism that an agreement would be reached, likely hoping for a deal which includes the US decreasing its military presence in the region in exchange for denuclearisation. However, both the US and Japan are sceptical, remembering past instances where North Korea has used potential diplomatic resolution to relieve pressure on the regime.

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Both China and Russia have offered to mediate future talks, thereby increasing their influence in negotiations. Expect pressure from the two countries for a swift resolution, as continued tensions could mean further US presence in the peninsula for years to come.

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