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Trump’s American Technology Council holds first summit


Trump’s American Technology Council holds first summit

Trump's American Technology Council
Photo: Drew Angerer/Getty

Today, the American Technology Council, which was created by President Trump on May 1 via Executive Order, will convene at the White House for its first summit.

Led by Mr Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner and former Microsoft CFO Chris Liddell, the summit will be attended by the leaders of technology heavyweights Alphabet, Apple, and Amazon.

It is expected to focus on the Council’s mission of modernising the federal government and improving its digital and communication technologies. The Trump administration also hopes that the council will help the president fulfil his campaign promises to modernise America’s infrastructure.

While the Council is also intended to advise the president on technology policy, sharp differences in views on immigration and climate change could impede the industry’s ability to influence Trump’s decision-making.

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Photo: Susan Walsh/AP

The summit will be followed up by a gathering of different tech leaders in the White House on June 22 to discuss drones, driverless cars and advanced technologies.

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