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Voters in the Indian state of Tripura head to the polls


Voters in the Indian state of Tripura head to the polls

Photo: AFP

Voters in the Indian state of Tripura head to the polls today to test the state’s long-standing left-wing political consensus. Despite being one of India’s smallest states, it will be a key test for India’s political parties.

With high levels of unemployment, poor healthcare and low pay-levels for state-employees, the ruling Left Front coalition faces difficulties in convincing voters to re-elect one of the country’s longest-ruling state governments. PM Narendra Modi’s BJP has promised free universal education in the state, improved internet connectivity and more employment opportunities to sway the state’s poor and traditionally left-wing voters.

Whilst the election outcome is uncertain, expect the BJP to increase its percentage of the vote and representation in the Tripura legislative assembly. For the BJP, expanding its appeal in a diverse range of states is key to ensuring a big re-election win in 2019. The elections are set to also be a test for the future of India’s political left, with a loss likely to leave them with one remaining state and no figures of national significance to promote their platform.

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