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Western European leaders prepare to shift Venezuelan diplomatic recognition


Western European leaders prepare to shift Venezuelan diplomatic recognition

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Photo: Reuters

Western European countries are expected to shift their diplomatic recognition to opposition leader and self-declared Interim President Juan Guaido unless fresh elections are called in coming days.

The leaders of France, Germany, the Netherlands, Spain and the United Kingdom are expected to follow a European Parliament decision on Friday to shift recognition, making the announcement today as incumbent President Nicolas Maduro continues to reject calls for new elections. With this growing international pressure, it is hoped that it will result in negotiations for a transition between Maduro and the opposition.

However, while Maduro has floated the possibility of negotiations in the presence of international mediators, he still retains the support of both China and Russia, who have pushed for negotiation preconditions to be dropped. While the Venezuelan government has offered new parliamentary elections, the US and its allies remain opposed to any negotiations unless presidential elections are also on the table.

Maduro’s steadfastness in retaining the presidency looks to remain even with increasing diplomatic isolation over his questionable re-election. A constructive outcome looks unlikely in the short-term while Maduro retains the support of the military and his two most important international backers, particularly with the Trump administration’s rhetoric becoming increasingly belligerent.

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Photo: Reuters

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