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Brazilian protests against President Bolsonaro expected today


Brazilian protests against President Bolsonaro expected today

Brazilians protest president Bolsonaro
Photo: EPA

Demonstrators are expected to mobilize throughout Brazil today to protest President Jair Bolsonaro’s handling of the COVID-19 pandemic and call for his impeachment.

The day of protest comes amid a flurry of summertime activism—750,000 people took to the streets of Brazil just three weeks ago.

Brazil’s COVID-19 death toll has risen to over 500,000, the second highest in the world, with its vaccination rate at only 16% of the population. Bolsanaro’s lack of leadership has left 136 million people food insecure and 14.7% of the population unemployed. In response, protestors are demanding $115.50 for each Brazilian in emergency aid and increased access to vaccines.

Bolsonaro also faces 122 complaints of crimes that are under review by the Chamber of Deputies—Brazil’s lower chamber of Congress. The opposition will likely cite these crimes in their calls for impeachment during Saturday’s protests.

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Expect approximately 800,000 protestors to mobilize today, primarily in São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, and Brasília. In the long-term, expect Bolsonaro to be challenged by leftist leader Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva in the October 2022 elections, as Bolsonaro’s disapproval ratings are the highest they have been since he took office in January 2019.

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