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German Greens party mull pursuit of coalition talks with embattled Chancellor Angela Merkel


German Greens party mull pursuit of coalition talks with embattled Chancellor Angela Merkel

Photo: Michael Kappeler/dpa

Today, the German Greens will hold their party’s conference in Berlin to mull over whether to proceed with coalition negotiations with embattled Chancellor Angela Merkel.

After Tuesday’s closed meeting between the libertarian Social Democrats and President Frank-Walter Steinmeier, today’s conference comes at a critical juncture in the ever-shortening window for the Greens to form a minority government with Merkel’s Christian Democrats (CDU) or back new elections.

Following the collapse of Sunday’s “Jamaica Coalition” talks with the CDU, Greens and the Free Democrats (FDP), the Chancellor has heaped praise on the environmentalist party, blaming the FDP for the failed negotiations. However, a CDU-Green government would need support from the centre-left Social Democrats, who are torn between such an arrangement and fresh elections. The FDP has now further ruled out talks with the Greens as “not conceivable”.

All this must be worked out today if the Greens are to shape up for the next three weeks of intense talks before the president calls new elections.

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