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Russian-Moldovan intergovernmental commission to take place


Russian-Moldovan intergovernmental commission to take place

Moldova Russia

Moldova and Russia will hold an intergovernmental commission today to expand commercial and economic cooperation.

Moldovan President Igor Dodon has been working to bring Moldova closer to Russia, most recently pushing for a new €200 million Russian loan and requesting observer status in the Eurasian Economic Union. Meanwhile, Moldovan-Russian relations are complicated by the status of Transnistria, a Kremlin-backed self-governing territory in eastern Moldova that has taken the status of a “frozen conflict.”

Expect the commission to continue discussing previous agreements on additional Russian loans, which were initially designated for infrastructure development but are now needed to mitigate the fiscal emergency caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. Meanwhile, Russia is likely to push for greater gas flows to Moldova at considerably discounted prices—a move that will assist the country’s agricultural industry. Moscow will likely also pressure Chisinau to purchase the controversial COVID-19 vaccine Russia has produced, as part of its attempts to extend its soft power influence through vaccine diplomacy.

In a move that will frustrate Moldova’s opposition, the commission will likely demonstrate Moldova’s increasing energy and economic dependence on Russia. Thus, expect Dodon to face difficulties while trying to implement these agreements with Russia.

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