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Trump threatens ‘missiles’ to strike Assad regime after suspected chemical attack


Trump threatens ‘missiles’ to strike Assad regime after suspected chemical attack

Photo: AP

Today, US President Donald Trump has threatened Bashar al-Assad’s regime with a missile strike in retaliation to a recent chemical weapons attack in Syria.

His announcement comes shortly after a US-drafted UN Security Council resolution that called for an investigation into the attack was vetoed by Russia, who alleged that the motion was only proposed to justify further intervention. However, it seems that Trump has responded with violent threats in spite of its failure to pass.

Although the US president has spearheaded the retaliatory threats, international outrage at the use of chemical weapons has soared. If further proof is presented that the Syrian government was culpable, both Paris and London have indicated their support for a joint response.

With Russia and Iran also claiming that any missiles will be shot down and their launch sites targeted, the coming weeks may bring tensions over the country to a climax. Although Trump would likely prefer to wait to launch any strike after first securing the backing of France and the UK, unilateral action without warning is certainly not beyond him.

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