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Unrest in Honduras to continue as Hernandez inaugurated as president


Unrest in Honduras to continue as Hernandez inaugurated as president

Juan Hernandez Honduras
Juan Hernandez Honduras
Photo: Acontecer Cristiano

Today, recently re-elected Juan Hernandez will be sworn in as president of Honduras. The country will also see a nationwide strike begin in protest of his questionable victory last November.

Rallying around his leftist opponent, Salvador Nasralla, protesters see the recent election as fraudulent. Clashes with police last weekend turned violent, adding one more death to over 30 in the past two months.

The election also resulted in a win for Hernandez in Congress; his party won a majority by gaining 13 seats. Although strikes and protests may make things difficult for him, control of both the executive and legislative branches should be enough to keep Hernandez in power.

Hernandez’s previous term was successful in cutting the murder rate nearly in half and reducing the deficit. Now, re-elected with congress at his back, he will likely continue to reform the country’s historically corrupt police force and push for further trade with the US, Honduras’s largest trading partner.

See Also
Photo: Angelos Tzortzinis/AFP via Getty Images

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